Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Greatest Artist in History

God is by far the best artist in the history of all artists. I'm so amazed at His creative ability. Some artists claim to be the best or have the newest style, but honestly, nothing compares to what God has done. The sky has been so blue and beautiful lately, and filled with amazing fluffy clouds. I find myself just wanting to sit outside and just stare. There are so many varieties of things too. No human could ever come up with all of the varieties of flowers and trees there are. Today, we went to the Lehigh Valley Zoo, and I was just looking at how intricately colored the birds are, and how several of the animals look similar, yet are so different. You can also see God's sense of humor in the animals. Emus and camels are just so funny looking. Yesterday, we went to the Sight and Sound theatre and saw the play of Creation. I was overwhelmed with the amount of God's mercy. He created the world to be so perfect and Adam and Eve disobeyed Him, yet when they were banished from the garden, God's beauty could still be seen everywhere, and He still provided for them. It's just so hard to put into words how amazed I am at God's love and creativity. When I was younger, I knew that I had artistic abilities, but I never thought that I'd be able to use them to serve God. Now I understand how much God loves beauty, and my artistic abilities were given to me by God, and using them is what he wants me to use them and He will be pleased by that. 
Lately, I've been singing this song by Chasen titled "Nothing Like You"
Take a storm and watch sing
Take the thunder create a scene 
Take a light and throw it across the sky  
For the whole world to see 
Take the ocean take the tide  
Sweep it in here on beaches white 
Wipe my eyes and let me see 
The beauty of Your sunrise 
There is nothing like You 
There is nothing underneath the son 
Without You, You are all and all is good  
There is nothing like You   
Take a branch and watch it break  
Take the snow and watch it fall 
As the green begins to grow  
Lord Your growing my soul  
There is nothing like You 
There is nothing underneath the son 
Without You, You are all and all is good  
There is nothing like You

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