Friday, January 20th
Today was the day that I flew down to Nashville for a photography workshop. Flying makes me incredibly nervous. And this time was the first time that I had a connecting flight. That whole up and down thing twice is no fun at all. And I didn't pick a good outfit for it either. It was sooo warm on those planes.

Saturday, January 21st
Like I said, flying makes me nervous and traveling takes quite the toll on my body. I felt like a zombie all day, with lovely pain and yucky yuck, haha. That resulted in this boring outfit.

Sunday, January 22nd
Today was the day of the photography workshop, which there will be a post about it later. After spending time in the studio learning lots and lots of stuff, we walked around downtown Nashville working on an assignment. My friend Steph took these photos of me.

Monday, January 23rd
I left Nashville today and this was the "cheat day" that I was mentioning. After realizing how hot it is on planes and the fact that it was almost 70degrees in Nashville, I had to go with just this plain t-shirt. And I almost didn't make it home from Nashville that day due to lots of weather and fog in Charlotte, NC and at home. There were delays and I had no idea if the delays would match up with my layover (which was only 30mins in a pretty large airport. it was tons of fun. haha). But the delays ended up matching up and I was able to get home, just a little over 2 hours later than planned.

Tuesday, January 24th
Ugh this day. It was my last day with Ignite Students at Carpenter's Church. If you've followed my blog for any time now, you know just how involved I've been with those students. But there may be a blog post on this later. I'm not sure yet. Ideas for what to write have been running around in my head for days now and I'm just not so sure if I'm ready to be quite that vulnerable with my blog. But anyway, I had a pretty cute outfit for the day.

Wednesday, January 25th
I spent the whole day working on my new logo and branding. And yes, it really did take all day.

Thursday, January 26th
Another day spent working on branding stuff. This time with my website. And again, it really did take all day. I pretty much didn't leave the couch. Oh and this outfit has another one of my little "cheats". I bought those shoes a couple of weeks ago. They're probably the first pair of real heels and I have no clue how to walk in them at all. My ankles seriously have no clue what to do.

Friday, January 27th
Today I ran errands with my Mom and part of that ended up beingshopping for my brother's birthday present, which resulted in my buying some clothes at H&M. They were having sales, and well they seem to never have sales. I just couldn't resist at all. Through doing this outfit challenge I've learned some things about my clothing and the way that I shop. I realized that I need to shop smaller sizes and get less basic pieces and more stand alone pieces.

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