I have known the Przywara family for as long as I can remember. I was trying to find an old picture of Elizabeth and I when I was maybe 3 or 4, but I have no idea where it is. Our dads used to work together, before I was born. And our moms connected with each other. They always shared the common goal of raising children in a Christian household. We've never lived close to each other. Always at least an hour away, but now it's more like two since my family lives in Pennsylvania now. Yet through out the years we've always made it a point to get together at least twice a year. One time at their house (they cook dinner, we bring dessert), and one time at our house (we cook dinner, they bring dessert). It's been that way for as long as I can remember. There were also several years that we'd go on vacation together. As we've all gotten older, and now 4 out of 5 of the kids are either in college or have gone to college and have jobs, it gets more difficult to get together. But we still make it work. They came over a couple of weeks ago, thankfully the snow held off that weekend. And of course we had to go into my "studio" to take pictures.
Rebecca took the one below. She's into photography, so I let her try out my camera. Which may or may not have been a good idea. Because once you touch a 5D Mark II, it's hard to take pictures on any other camera.
Matthew wasn't so into the whole picture taking thing (neither was their dad, because I didn't get any pictures of him). Hence why there are only two pictures of him. But hey, it's still something.
P.S. So I never did a blog post when I completed #33 and #34 on my 101 in 1001 list, which was to paint my room and to make it look like an office/bedroom. So I guess that these pictures can kind of count to show you what part of my room looks like. I didn't do any kind of rearranging to take these pictures. That really is just what my room looks like. One of these days I'll take some pictures of just the room, maybe. I have horrible natural light in my room so a light set up is always necessary, so we'll see what happens.
You should have a James and Matthew photoshoot.