my mom. she's the one who listens to me talk on and on and on about all of my photography ideas. i can't keep thoughts in my head, they have to come out in order to make sense. she helped me make sense of my ideas when the dots just weren't connecting. then she was there through every step of putting the day together. she did the flower arrangements, baked the cupcakes (even made some gluten free just for me), set up the table and other props, and she talked with all of the moms of the reps about my business.
annie was there through the whole process to. i brought the idea to her pretty much the same time i brought it to my mom. she told me that she would do whatever i needed her to do in order to make this dream in my head a reality. then she came over one day and spent time helping me make some prop that i never ended up using because it was one of those ideas that seems so incredibly cool in your head but is really lame when it's actually made. then she helped my mom with all of the setup. i'm so glad that i didn't have to touch that at all. i told them what i wanted and they made it look better than i could have. and annie was there through out the whole shoot to hold the reflector and grab behind the scenes shots and fix the girls hair and really just whatever i was too stressed to do.
hillary did the makeup on all of the girls. i found myself wanting a "real" makeup artist. you know, one with boxes of makeup and a fancy website, forgetting that an awesome girl lives right down the street. hillary is not a makeup artist by profession, but she is most definitely a makeup artist. every girl had their own unique look and it fit their personality perfectly, which is amazing seeing as she only spent about 15mins with each girl and had only met lydia beforehand. hillary has a real gift for working with other girls and making them feel special and beautiful.
pat, my wonderful counselor turned friend. she allowed me to use her gorgeous property. the property was overwhelming in beauty and i wished that i could have spent even more time shooting there. i'm so thankful for pat being there to help me with whatever i needed. it was never a problem to her to open her property to 17 people and to provide food for all of us.
thank you to everyone who participated in anyway, even if it was just cheering with excitement on my sneak peek photos. you're all awesome!
now who wants to see some more lovely images?!

no party is complete without a photobooth.

stay tuned next week for another set of images. yep, there's still more. this set will be the natural set. there were two parts to the shoot, the party and then the photos that are more typical to a senior session.
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