Thursday, March 22, 2012

2013 Senior Model Search

Hello Class of 2013! It's finally almost your time to be high school seniors. Senior year is really your time to shine. You're no longer shy and awkward freshman, or going through that transition year that is sophomore year, or busy like crazy like in junior year. Senior year is a time when you can really discover who you are and enjoy your time with friends before heading off to college. What better way to celebrate who you are right at this point in your life, than an awesome photo shoot.

You may be thinking, "But the Class of 2012 hasn't even graduated yet. What does this have to do with me?" Well let me tell you. It's pretty exciting. This year I'm looking for 5 girls that are currently high school juniors to participate in a magazine inspired stylized photo shoot on April 28th. These 5 girls will then go on to be the representatives in your schools for Laurajane Photography. I bet you have some questions now, don't you?

I don't look like a typical model, and I'm not exactly in the "popular" crowd. Can I still be a part of this shoot?
OF COURSE! In fact, you're exactly the girl that I'm looking for. Senior portraits are all about you and what make you special. I want you to feel like a model for the day. As far as not being in the "popular" crowd, that doesn't matter. As long as you have at least 5 friends that you can share the experience you had on your photoshoot with, we're good. The only other requirement is that you have a Facebook page.

What exactly is a stylized photo shoot?
You know when you look through a magazine how there are perfectly placed props, and the outfits coordinate, and their hair and makeup are done, that is what a stylized shoot is. The specific details for this shoot are still in the works, but I can tell you that the 5 girls that are chosen will all be in the same shoot together, I will help you pick out your outfits, and there will be a cupcake picnic on the lawn of an extremely large house.

Will I be getting any fun things from this shoot?
Yes, you certainly will be. You will receive images to use as your facebook profile picture, a custom timeline cover photo with your favorite images, and there will be an online gallery of all the images so that you can purchase whatever prints you'd like. You'll also receive a 25% discount on your own private senior portrait session. And the most exciting part, for every friend that books their own senior session with me using your name, you will receive $10 cash. I'm sure you can do the math, but that means that if you get just 5 friends to book a session, you'll get $50 of free money. How awesome is that?! There may even be some other fun little things in there, but I can't tell you about those yet, since they're still in the works and not completely confirmed yet.

So how much does all of this cost me?
Guess what? It's completely and totally FREE. Yep that's right, free. Any prints that you'd like from this session are not included, so you would need to buy those.

This sounds so awesome! Where do I sign up?
See that little link below? Or you probably noticed the window that popped up when you came to this page. Just click on that and answer all of the questions in there and hit send.The deadline to submit your entry is April 11th. After that all of the entries will be thoroughly read through, and 5 girls will be chosen. You will be emailed no later than April 14th whether or not you have been chosen. The goal is to get representatives in as many Lehigh Valley high schools as possible.

Click here to fill out your application!

If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Just email me at OR find me on facebook.

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