Now meet the James and Emma. They officially changed my mind about taking pictures of kids. I LOVED it! Of course I still love weddings, and senior portraits, and engagements, and well anything else that involves me taking pictures, but I am no longer "anti-kid". haha James is such a little character. He just kept making silly faces. I guess that's what 5-year-olds do. And Emma copied everything that big brother did, because that's what 2-year-olds do. We ran around their grandparent's beautiful yard for two hours on a perfect day playing and taking pictures. And the session ended with drippy popsicle. They certainly enjoyed that.
The many faces of James. Trust me, there were way more. This kid is funny.
p.s. flickr decided to eat some of the saturation and i don't know why. it's annoying, but please ignore that minor detail. thanks.
these are fantastic!