1.) A blazer with suede elbow pads. There was one at H&M a month or so ago. There was only one in the store. And it wasn't my size. Major bummer. If anyone knows where I can find an inexpensive one, PLEASE let me know.
2.) Oxford shoes. Any kind of oxford shoes. These are just the ones that I found a picture of that I like. They're from Forever 21.
3.) A lace dress. More specifically, this lace dress. And I'm not telling you where it's from because I don't want you to buy it. Seriously, I love it that much.

1.) Noisetrade. It's free music. Completely free. And it's good music too. You can even download complete albums if that's what the artist decides to put up. There's even an option to donate to the artists. I've spent days going through this site downloading as much as I think sounds good. And I've certainly found some really great stuff lately.
2.) Psych. My favorite show as of now. All of the seasons are on Netflix that streams on the wii. I'll sit on the couch with my computer and edit photos through at least 2 episodes. It has just the right mix of funny and mystery.
3.) P.S. I made this... I got this book for Christmas. It's so my kind of thing. I'm always making up stuff. And having a book that shows things that you can make and actually wear is awesome. Today I found that there's a blog version with extra crafts that aren't in the book. Today I made the craft in the picture above. Except mine contains vintage buttons.
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