Monday, August 9, 2010

101 in 1001

My life is boring. I don't have much of a story. I've been reading "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller, and it's changing my thinking. I'm hoping that it'll change the way I live too. Frequently in the book he describes situations as "inciting incentives". I need one of those, I need motivation. So I decided to write a list of 101 things to complete in 1001 days which happens to be 3 years. In the next three years I'll be between 21 and 24 and wow, those years have a lot of potential for change. So today I spent a good chunk of time writing a list. I only go the list to 78, so I'll need some help thinking of more things to do. And if anything on the list seems like something that you'd be interested in helping me with let me know.

Date Started: August 10, 2010
Date Completed:

1.spend a weekend at a beach
2.purposely spend a weekend without the computer (and that means nothing on the computer, not even loading in pictures) several times a year
3.go in a tethered hot air balloon ride at least 5 whole books in a year
5.join a Bible study/small group
6.plan and host a girls conference
7.have a photoshoot with youth group girls
8.create a book with my favorite photos
9.babysit the Hibblets
10.go on a date
11.get rid of all of the useless pictures on my computer desktop
12.have at least one photoshoot a month for a year
13.shoot at least 7 weddings in one year
14.cook dinner once a week for a month so that mom doesn't have to
15.spend a couple of days with a few of my favorite photographer friends
16.have pictures taken of myself by a photographer
17.have a fully designed blog for a full showit website and use +Sites
19.attend WPPI my dad back for my camera at least 5 times a week for a whole month
22.second shoot another wedding with Sarah Danaher
23.have a real logo and business cards made by a graphic designer
24.own an iphone a photography internship with Lehigh Valley Style Magazine the INTERN program with Sarah Barlow
27.print out several of my favorite photos in large sizes
28.make enough greetings cards to make several packages to sell at Nomad
29.make a mix CD for a different friend every month for a year
30.send out birthday cards to all of my family members
31.go to New York City for the day
32.attend 1st Friday in Philly
33.paint my room
34.make my room look like an office/studio/bedroom
35.finish NYIP
36.learn how to keep track of my money
37.shoot a whole session with the Rolleiflex
38.lead worship on Sunday morning
39.take someone that I admire out to lunch
40.start and complete the mentoring program with a girl in youth group
41.make my closet look like it's actually a walkin
42.make a skirt able to pay for things like my cell phone and gas
44.spend a whole day with Livie and Lilah
45.determine if I really am allergic to wheat or if it's something else weird going on with my body
46.have a picnic in the woods
47. dance when people can see me
48.bake something by following the recipe and have it turn out right three online friends
50.surprise someone with flowers
51.don't buy any clothes for a whole month the 30 for 30 challenge
53.fill up an entire notebook a movie I wouldn't normally watch
55.visit an aquarium
56.take a youth group kid out to lunch
57.compliment a stranger
58.wear a cute hat in public
59.write a letter and mail it to someone
60.dip dye a tshirt
61.go to a concert of a band that i've never heard before
62.get new glasses real sushi (you know the stuff with raw fish, not just vegetables)
64.purchase a photograph from someone
65.get a dog
66.plan an outside party where i can decorate based on a theme and basically make look like it came from a Martha Stewart magazine
67.make homemade icecream that actually tastes good
68.highlight my hair
69.own and watch frequently every episode of Chuck
70.attend the taping of a TV show
71.have and keep more than $500 in my bank account
72.learn to like at least 3 fruits that I don't already like
73.spend an hour just people watching
74.bake something to give away
75.make homemade sushi
76.participate in a stylized shoot
77.check out books from the library again
78.sleep in the backyard
79.let my hair grow at least 3 more inches

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