Since I got the idea for Follow Friday from her and I'll be meeting her this weekend to second shoot a wedding with her, I figured she'd be the first one I'd introduce to you.
Name: Sarah Danaher
Location: Fredericksburg, VA
Specialty: Capturing life with such honesty
Current favorite blog entry: Marks Family Portraits
I just discovered Sarah's blog on Wednesday. You know how you just click on one blog and then another and another and it leads you to someone that you really connect with. I left a couple of comments on various entries and maybe an hour or so later I had an email from her asking if I'd like to second shoot a wedding with her. Just so happens that the wedding is less than 20mins away from really close friends that I've been wanting to see all summer. We started emailing and sent about 10 emails back and forth just yesterday. Talk about a God thing. I love the honesty that she captures in her photos and also in her words. Her images are classic and fun and ooze personality. I can't wait till tomorrow to meet her. (well technically as I type this it'll be in two days. gotta love timing them to post when you want.) I look forward to seeing more and more of her work, and getting to know her.
Laura, you're SUCH A DOLL!!!! Oh my word. I feel soooo humbled! Thanks!